Friday, March 27, 2009

Feels like I'm trying way to hard

and like I haven't tried at all...
So much happened today. Mr. Pellegrini wasn't in class this morning, like he said, because he was at his unvles funeral. I feel so bad, I wanted to cheer him up when he told us his uncle was sick this week but I didn't really know what to do. He's one of my favourite teachers, and I won't see him until Tuesday because of the cosmo trip. Ms. Morretta subbed for him though, and she's another one of my favourite teachers so life was pretty good.
I went to Tori's after school like I said I would. I walked with Nikki since she still lives in that area right after school, and I waited for like ten minutes. I left a message saying almost exactly this [the wording was probs a bit different, including a lot of uhms lol] : Hey Tori, so I just stood out side your house for about ten minutes like I said I would. I put in the effort, and you just aren't being honest. Your loss." She replied on facebook, yeah still when she could have called my cell considering she was closer to the phone to check messages, saying she was out with family [when I saw her brother driving home by himself when I was walking back home] and said I left a nasty message. I was blunt, not nasty. And then she had the nerve to say she didn't remember not being honest! Like, excuse me? She lied and twisted every fact about the whole deal, not just my words but her words to make her seem more in the right. Even more of a blunder, she's been out of school all week. Where does she suddenly get off at going out for lunch? For reals, her lung infection is contagious. Great job infecting the world, my "normal, good friend."
Anyways, afterwards I went down to Becca's and we made her FOB video but we didn't finish it in time. So instead we're going to finish it and then post it up on youtube. We watched MOD, went to the Japanese restraunt next to her house, the park, and then watched some TV. I really needed a good hang out, it helped me from eating myself for being so forceful with Tori even though I know it was the best desicion. Now I'm just debating giving back the stuff she gave me.
On the way home we picked up the mail, and inside was my acceptance letter to UTM's Humanities program! First choice university! Soooo excited! And to top it off, I FINALLY got to use the line "Truth be told, I miss you. And truth be told, I'm lying." AHAHA! It was so great! I used in on Kevin. Ohhhhh how satisfying. Been waiting to use that line all week. Oh, happy days.

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