Friday, October 1, 2010

Once you release your words...

... they'll turn into lights

Soooo today was kinda blarghy. I'd been sick most of the week from a high fever that left me supremely dizzy and unable to walk straight, and didn't realize that Friday would be October. Somehow I'd convinced myself that it was next week. I had an in class essay, where I needed to memorize two outlines and the one question would be chosen. I scrambled and finished in time, including a good two hours of memorization on how the essay would plan out. Sadly, it didn't go very smoothly. I only had the 45 minutes, which proved to not be long enough as I didn't complete the essay that was worth 25% of my grade. I better work super hard on that take home essay...

Also, I took my brother and Granny out for dinner. My parents have been in Mexico and Alberta for a week, so my Granny had called a couple times. My brother was stupid and invited his friend Naseem to join us in the middle of the meal, not that I don't like Naseem but it was dinner with my Granny so it was a little awkward. Though I think it ended up okay, she seemed to have fun. After that my brother invited people over again to band jam and drink while I went to meet up with Becca and Myu at Swiss chalet. We then tried to call Chuckles, who flat out refused to come to timmies with us because he's a buttface.

All together, today was an alright day. I did get to see Terry for the first time in a few days, which was awesome. I'd forgotten my earrings in his dorm room, so we went back and snuggled and watched NANA 'cause we're fabulous. Sadly he's had a cold for a week, and he also doesn't believe in some medicine stuff. Hopefully he gets better soon. He started on how he wants to kiss me but can't on Monday, and it was really cute. Today he said the same thing, because he thought I caught his cold so it would be okay to kiss but I had something different. He went on to say "not that it's a big deal, but god damn!" So we haven't kissed in said time except for a small surprise peck today when he hopped up onto his bed with me [the only place to really sit in his room] which was followed by a quick "oh shit!" 'cause he forgot he was sick. It was cute :]

Oh yes, description of Terry. Important things for me to look back on when I can't remember things straight.

I met Terry at the Fair to Midland/Karnivool show that my brothers band Killing Isaac opened for. After Karnivools set before Fair to Midland came on and after we'd helped put Killing Isaac's equipment back in the cars, he came up to talk to me and Becca asking if I went to UTM. He recognized me out of the 300+ students in our Environmental lecture, which he's recently stated it was due to my hair since it's rather distinctive and awesome. Anyways, he came to the show to see Karnivool saying it was a taste of home [they're Australian], and he really liked my brothers set and stuff so we exchanged numbers and stuff to talk about upcoming shows and stuff before watching Fair to Midlands set. We talked about how often we go to shows, and I said it's what I live for. He asked me if I knew a lot of people at the show, and I pointed out about 25 near the front who came to see my brother and he seemed rather impressed for some reason.

I haven't mentioned this to anyone I don't think, but during the set he asked if he could see me again and I said sure and then he asked if he could kiss me to be sure and I was like ''uh, no." Ha.

Sooo, then Becca and I managed to talk to the lead singer of Karnivool for a while before leaving. Totally forgot about him by that point, and only realized on the way back home that I'd kinda ditched so I texted him and we talked about bands and stuff.

Time went on, stuff happened, la la la, and then I texted him about buying my Miyavi ticket and I was super excited for the show. He was super surprised people knew about Miyavi, so he also bought a ticket and came to the show with Nikki, Kathleen and I. We also saw Liz and Keith at the show. Miyavi was amazing. Mind blowing. I bought stuff, and it was grand. He still didn't talk very much, but he made cookies and brought them for the line and they were tasty. Found out he smoked weed, but none of us smoked so he left it alone. More stuff happened in life, blah blah blah, stuff with Chuckles happened [I totally only saw Terry as a friend at this point, a friend with very awesome interests that corresponded with mine] and thennnn I lent him NANA manga and told him about an upcoming Killing Isaac show at Wasaga beach. I told him it was over night camping, and that IllScarlett was headlining and another awesome local band Stereokid was playing. He said he'd come, and he did.

We'd been texting a lot more at this point, so I felt a bit more comfortable with him. Becca also came to the show/camping/beach trip. We all hung out the first day, set everything up and stuff. I was already pretty aware of Terry, but this trip just upped that a bunch. The second day we went to the beach for a bit. I was still a pansy with the sun, so while they sat down for a while on the sand I walked around the shops and stuff. It was also the day of Killing Isaacs set, and they were supremely hung over and didn't play at their best but were still sounding amazing. Stereokid was fantastic, Kenta wore a Koolaid man suit on stage at the beginning and Greg did a freestyle that was mind blowing. Sooo many people were hyped up for them, it was super awesome! Then during IllScarlett's set, Becca decided to skip and sleep because she was laaaaame [haha] Terry and I got separated in the mosh pit that formed but we eventually found each other and during the last couple songs and encore he held my hand. After the set we walked around the site for a long while holding hands and talking about tunes, when we discovered he'd lost his sandals in the mosh pit. So we hung out around the campfire and had an amazing sing a long with Jason leading usually. We attracted a bunch of people to our site [around 50] and we ended up being so loud that security had to come over and tell us that we had to quiet down. It was rad. During said sing a long, Terry held his hand around my waist, and it was really sweet but at the same time I thought my chest would burst. Sleeping next to him in my sleeping bag wasn't easy after that, I ended up burying my face deep inside to get some piece of mind. Also, it was freeeeezing at night!

After the camping trip, Becca Terry and I made our way to Oakville place to buy our Anberlin tickets [though Terry bought is elsewhere]. He held my hand the whole time :]
We then meandered back to my house, where we had a fire in the backyard as we'd apparently not had enough while camping. He also held my hands for the majority of that, while Becca surfed the internet and probably narrated our every move amongst a few people online. Nikki joined us for a while, and it was grand. We found out while online that we were invited to Jordan's end of summer party, so I asked if I could bring Terry and so we went. That happened on Sunday, the party was Wednesday.

At the party, I picked up Terry then headed over a couple hours late because for some reason it started at 2:30 and ended after midnight. Throughout the party Terry apparently stated that he was dating me, which I didn't quite understand at the time because we'd never really clarified in words what us holding hands and stuff meant. This made me extremely happy, so I went along with it. I beat Chuckles at beer pong, which was grand. What wasn't grand was Kevin being drunk after arriving around 7ish with Becca and taking Terry over to the side and threatening him. I didn't really find out about this until after the party when I'd dropped everyone off, 'cause we dropped off Kevin and Becca last before I went to drop off Terry and Kevin said something weird so I asked Terry about it. He said that Kevin pulled him over to the side to threaten to bring his Burlington buddies over and beat him up. This made me extremely frustrated and worried, so I apologized a bunch for Kevin being stupid and ended up explaining a bunch of stuff about Kevin and my relationship to clarify that it was him being ridiculous and that if he ever did anything I'd beat him up first. Terry saw I was kinda freaking out and ended up holding my hand while I drove him home and told me not to worry about it, nothing would happen and everything was cool.

Actually, before that bit of drama we had dropped off the first carload of people and on our way back into Jordan's backyard I felt him tugging me back [we were holding hands]. When I turned around and asked what was wrong he surprised me and kissed me. It was slightly clumsy and forceful, and I forgot to close my eyes for the first part but it was still soft and warm. I was still all flustered and ended up pushing away because I forgot how to breathe during a kiss and quickly stammered "Uh, uhm... They're uh waiting so we should go..." Yeah, go me. Super smooth. Not.

Then classes started, and we hung out a bunch more. We hang out in his room to listen to tunes and watch movies sometimes, and he's taken me out to the river a couple times. He's such a sweetheart! When we first went I was wearing a giant baggy sweater that covered my shorts, and he took off his shirt for me to sit on so I wouldn't sit on the rock. [Yes, he was wearing something underneath, he wasn't stripping haha.] Last weekend was Alexx's 19th birthday, and she let me bring him along 'cause she super wanted to meet him. Anywayyyyyyssssss...
After dinner at Kelsey's we went to Alexx's to hang, and eventually I drove everyone home. I was super tired by the time Terry and I got to my place, and the house was empty anyways since my brother was out partying and my parents were out of the province so I let him sleep over. We crashed in my bed, and I fell asleep on my side with him up against my back and his arm slung over my torso while we held hands. I enjoyed that a lot.

Oh, as for actual description of Terry...
He's my height, maybe half an inch taller. He's slim and slightly muscular, with short hair that's long enough to burry my fingers into. He's Korean, so he has the black hair and dark eyes, but has been in boarding school for eight years and developed a New Zealand/Aussie accent for that's where he's boarded. His father lives in China, while his mother in Korea. However, he doesn't consider himself Korean because of some mishaps in high school with a bunch of Korean kids from what I understand. He didn't have fun in high school, and I feel kinda bad because I mention my high school a bunch 'cause I super miss choir and vocal class.

I have to wait until Monday to see him. I've only been able to hang out with him a couple hours this week, and it makes me sad. I miss him. I hope he gets better soon, he seemed to be quite miserable about having a cold. Maybe I should get mum to teach me how to make her broccoli soup so I can bring him some when she gets back from Mexico on Sunday.

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